I read a article called "The best U.S. business schools 2010", and full article can be seen there: http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/nov2010/bs20101110_255552.htm?chan=rss_topStories_ssi_5. This article 's major topic is about the MBA student's job problem. As a MBA student I found some interesting things in it.
Jack Oakes is director of the Career Development Center at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business, he had watched the Great Recession choke off his students' job opportunities. Only 64% of MBA students reported having received a job offer, in past 5 years, when graduate from MBA program from Darden school, students always expect multiple six-figure offers.
Because the financial crisis killed or downsized the biggest MBA employers, including Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. It is more difficult for B-school students to find a suitable job. Traditional seeking job way seems out of use at present. Schools are finding new ways for students to connect with companies that might not recruit on campus. A lot of companies downsize their employees especially the elite person.
I don't know how this fact effects on our school, because most of my classmates are part-time students. But for me, a full-time student, who want to get a job after graduating, I think is a huge bad news. Actually, I want to find a job in America for achieve more global work experiences, than I will go back to China, to develop my own business. It seems like my plan should be changed.
It is really a tough time now. Evry one is cautious about their jobs, not sure if they will be fired tomorrow. So many big companies bankcrupted. The chances for new graduated students is becoming less. Good news is that the economy is going up now, even it's under most people's expectaion. The world is recovering from this global recession. So who knows what will happen after two years? To find a job in America you can gain a lot of experience for your future career, but get a job in China still is a good thing.
回覆刪除I read the article too but I think the most important part was on the effort from the alumni of the school to help their college students as a gesture of solidarity. I think that is what Dr. Weyant tried to tell his class, that we can get more from each other than anything the University could offer in academics because we are out in the world and networks mean everything today!
回覆刪除I think we all would be surprise how many people have become really succesful in life and recognize the Kutztown gave them an edge to make it and for that they are willing to give a hand to KU alumni!