
2010年11月16日 星期二

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

I read an article called "7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People" today, you can find the full article here:
I find these 7 habits really are the big barriers for modern people's daily work.

These 7 habits are: 
1. Not showing up
2. Procrastinating half the day
3. When actually doing something, doing something that isn't the most important thing right now
4. Thinking too much
5. Seeing the negative and downsides in just about anything
6. Clinging to your own thoughts and being closed to outside influences
7. Constantly on information overload

I agree with the author that these 7 habits are belong to highly ineffective people, I think I am a ineffective people, and for me, the 7th habit " information overload" is a major problem.
In modern times, it is really a information society, everybody may call many people and also get a lot of calls from others, maybe your friend sent you a text only say he find your old girl friend is dating with a handsome guy, maybe you got 20 emails per day, but 50% are rubbish mail, even you don't look at your SNS website, your cellphone will PUSH the newest news to your phone dashboard. Ok, you maybe need spend 30 minutes to get information from outside, these information will damage your former schedule, you need to add things to your schedule even it is not very important( like 3rd habit), let you feel unhappy( your ex-girl friend's news makes you crazy). Then you will not showing up some places those you should be  there, you thinking too much so you can't focus on the thing on hand. That's what I said: " Information damages you, not benefits you." 

I think people don't need too much information, even a lot of it seems like closely link to your life. People should know the basic, and do the extra.

MBA's job problem

I read a article called "The best U.S. business schools 2010", and full article can be seen there: http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/nov2010/bs20101110_255552.htm?chan=rss_topStories_ssi_5. This article 's major topic is about the MBA student's job problem. As a MBA student I found some interesting things in it.

Jack Oakes is director of the Career Development Center at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business, he had watched the Great Recession choke off his students' job opportunities. Only 64% of MBA students reported having received a job offer, in past 5 years, when graduate from MBA program from Darden school, students always expect multiple six-figure offers.

Because the financial crisis killed or downsized the biggest MBA employers, including Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. It is more difficult for B-school students to find a suitable job. Traditional seeking job way seems out of use at present. Schools are finding new ways for students to connect with companies that might not recruit on campus. A lot of companies downsize their employees especially the elite person.

I don't know how this fact effects on our school, because most of my classmates are part-time students. But for me, a full-time student, who want to get a job after graduating, I think is a huge bad news. Actually, I want to find a job in America for achieve more global work experiences, than I will go back to China, to develop my own business. It seems like my plan should be changed.

2010年11月9日 星期二

How to build a online work place in company

About 1 year ago, I have a part-time job in a publish company, and my major task is to update our company's news online, and change the company's website style each month. My boss find I always finish my weekly job in 2 hours, so he thought I was been overpaid. So he give me a new case: to build a online work place for this company.

Actually, there was already a work website, it was placed in the company's website, but the only function is to post the meeting schedules. My boss said he want a different tool that can follow each employee's progress of work. I thought it is not a easy job to do, I told my boss I need over 2 weeks to work it out. He feel satisfied with his own idea. 

After do some research about this area, I found it is hard to build a complex system, because if the system have a complete architecture, company must to rent a huge database system for it, it is not economic. And my boss maybe crazy if I told him that he need to pay $ 20,000 each year to have this system. So I decide to use some internet applications to achieve the goal.

This publish company have 7 major task departments and a background supply department, So I build a communication system website in company's major server. And it looks like a simple BBS, each task department has a forum (a part of BBS) , and they need to post their daily work process to their own forum, and some information is open to other forum, that others can give advices and find mistakes. But some important information is be kept secret. Only boss can see what is it. Besides it, I build a chart room in company's network, every employee keeps online, and something no need to have a meeting is been talked in this chartroom. 

Finish this work, I feel not satisfied, I send this system to my friend, a computer greek. He looked the system about 2 minutes, and said:" It's easy to set up a workgroup on WIKI , and you can apply a MSN work group, they are all free, you do some stupid jobs." FML~~Anyway, It makes my boss feel better about pay my salary.

Social networking

In my Iphone, there are 4 social networking softwares(SNS) and 3 instant massage softwares(IM). They conclude Twitter, Facebook, Renren(Chinese SNS like Facebook), Sina(Chinese software like Twitter), MSN, Skype and QQ(same as MSN). Thanks to APPLE for invented the "PUSH", so iphone can push the massage to the dashboard, that I can check the newest massages from my social network website. With this, I do not need to keep my MSN and QQ always online.

"The Social network" a film about the Facebook's story, now is a popular film all around the world. A friend told me, he and his girlfriend went to see the film together and after that, his girlfriend treated him better than before, I wonder why. He, a computer greek, said his girlfriend told him that Zuckerberg is a greek too. Facebook must be the hottest website in the university students' laptop. I can see people accesses Facebook anywhere anytime. In China, for some reason you must known, we can't access the Facebook and Youtube, but we have a SNS called Renren (means "everybody"), it is very similar with Facebook, and  with only 2 years, it became the most popular SNS in China. I think people is tired of keep their IM software always online, and return the massage on time. These actions cut their time to pieces. With SNS, we can share music and video to our friends, talk with them on some popular topics, and post comments to friend's photos and blogs. 

After that, I think the biggest advantage of SNS is we can get the massage on time, but we needn't reply right now. We can focus on our case first, and reply them when free. It also avoids a lot of ADs from strangers.
Maybe the SNS is in the best time, and WEB 2.0 is turning to a trend, there is a lot of opportunities for IT company to achieve a success. But you must be unique, like Facebook, you must have your trump weapon.

2010年11月2日 星期二

Something about research

Here is my research's purpose and abstract. And it is the first edition. Please give me some advices.
PS, I find that there is some problem with my blog's time, I think the time region is false, and after trying a lot of times, I can't figure it out.

Research background and purpose

Internet industry becomes a very important part of today’s economy, after about 20years development, Internet industry has some inner changes; the creative industry has a huge effect on the web business. Internet products or services have a short product lift cycles, the WEB 2.0 is transferring from introduction period to growth period. Every company is facing the competitive products and services from other companies. If a company want to achieve a long-term success, the company must has some unique point that others cannot copy easily. Internet company has a huge talents requirement.  It treats a management problem, how to manage creative people, in other words, how to build a suitable work environment for the creative people. This research focuses on this problem, and try to get some useful information and work out some right recommendation.

Google, the biggest internet search engine, also the most successful, hires a lot of IT talents to work for it, and Google has a wonderful work environment that be rewarded and respected by whole industry. This research uses the Google’s work environment building experience as a example, hope to get some useful assumption.


This research combines 4 parts, and each part focuses on a major point of the whole problem.

First part, the major content is how to recognize a creative people and determine if the people suit for the company work style. Every company has it’s special work style, and even a talent work in a uncomfortable environment he cannot full scope to show his ability, so the first step to build the suitable work environment is to hire suitable creative people. It is really the base for future management.

Second part’s content is nurture the creative people, sometimes, creative people don’t know how to use their talent on the job they do. Actually, they need a tutor or a coach to teach them the work way. The company must has those kind person who good at be a guider.

Third part focuses on how to placing the creative people in jobs.  The creative people always want to receive different reaction from workmates and superiors. How to deal with this situation is a problem that this research needs to figure out.

The last part talks how to coordinate the creative people’s relationship, both in office and after work. Treat a congenial atmosphere will do some amazing effects on the company’s work.
A very cool cup. like a lens. hope you like.

xbox or ps3 or wii?

For a game fan, it is not a different problem to choose from XBOX360, PS3 or wii. Actually these three game consoles have different position. Wii has a very different product position with the others, it designed for whole family to have fun. For example, my mother bought a Wii, and placed it in living room, sometimes she plays the "motion games" with my father, in my view, the Wii's game image is so bad, like some 90's game, even PS2 has a better performance. But Wii achieved a perfect sale goal in whole world, the most important key to success, is right product position ---- "for simple fun".

In modern times, people always busy and can not spend whole hours time to play video games. And the games are increasing their performance, actually the difficult levels. I bought a xbox 360 just for play the NBA 2k11, because the 2k11 added the Jordan to the game, and with a new game mode called "JORDAN mode", but if you want to add the Jordan to your favorite team, you must pass the whole 10 challenges, are all about need to score 50+ pts and 8+ asts. I am a old player of 2k series, but it is so hard for me to pass the  challenges. Maybe if I takes 3 whole days to do this I can achieve it, but 3 days mean a lot, I promise if I am crazy, I will do this.

But Wii is different, each games maybe takes you 5 minutes to finish. And without any practice, you can achieve a high score on it. That's why my mum spend 30 minutes playing table tennis with my dad on it. It is really fun. At past, video games been treated a unhealthy action.Wii changed this view, all wii games need you play with the motion pad, you need to act the image action. It is simple, but produce so many fun.

PS3 and Xbox360 didn't thought Wii is their competitor at first, they just developed more interesting games, and want to beat the other, after spend so many labor and money on game development, they find that customers do not need the high level performance, they just need a simple game to relax. So, SONY and MS both introduce their new products that have same function with Wii. In other words, they deny Wii's success.


2010年10月26日 星期二

Apple: get your cash by give you "AIR"

Apple unveiled new MacBook Airs -- in new 11.6-inch and updated 13.3-inch display sizes -- during an October 20 media event dubbed "Back to the Mac." Standard configs for the 11.6-inch model sell for $999 and $1,999 and $1,299 and $1,599 for the 13.3-inch Air. Many respondents used the more typical speeds-and-feeds measure to evaluate the, ah, Air quality.  

''The next generation of MacBooks''

Apple introduce the newest MacBook air by above words. Actually, I'm not surprise with it. Every time Apple use the words like" most, best, perfect, ever" to show their products are unique. After customers bought the product, Apple will introduce the "newest" product again. Unfortunately the new one always kick your old one ass. You will confuse if you should buy a new one because it is better than yours. Even it just add one new function. 
In my mind, MacBook Air is not a typical laptop, it should be divided to netbook, which is been thought as a BULLSHIT by Apple. But actually the MBA(MacBook Air) is really a netbook, 11.6-inch, pack aging Intel Core 2 Duo processors -- ranging from 1.2GHz to 1.86GHz in standard configurations. Apple swapped out hard drives for sold-state storage, which I observes are puny. Apple offers 64GB or 128GB storage on the smaller Airs and 128GB or 256GB on the 13.3-inch models. So,Old CPU tech, 64GB max drive (even if it is SSD) and a $999 price tag place way over a fully optioned laptop with optical drive 500GB 7200 rpm hard drive and loads of RAM. Sorry I'll pass. Actually, now I have a 13-inch MacBook pro, if I must to choose a i-product to buy, I will buy a IPAD. But, even iPAD, I don't know when to use it expect in travel.
just kidding

In my view, Apple can sell anything to the fans by just add a "i" to the name. I think Apple is creative, but sometimes it use too many promotion methods, Although the product always cool, but customers should not be treated as folks that just pay cash.